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Water Filters Description: Water filters are devices that help remove impurities from tap water by using a fine physical barrier, a chemical process, or a biological process to filter water and lower the presence contaminating elements. While tap water is relatively clean, thanks to processes that take place inside water treatment plants, it often only meets the minimal water quality standards from the EPA, which many experts deem too lenient. As a result, at-home water filtration systems offer a last line of protection from viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and harmful metals like lead. If you use tap water for drinking or cooking, it's always a good idea to invest in a water filter to ensure that you're getting quality, clean water.Most water filters work through a mixture of physical and chemical filtration to remove particles and microscopic contaminants from our water. Physical filtration provides a physical barrier - kind of like a sieve - that removes larger particles from your water by straining them out. Also known as mechanical filters, this process uses anything from a basic mesh that filters out large debris to a ceramic filter which has an extremely complex pore structure for ultra-fine filtration of pathogenic organisms. Physical filtration systems usually have a micron rating which indicates how effective the filters are in terms of the size of the particles it is capable of removing. The smaller the micron rating, the finer the sieve, and the more contaminants the process removes.Chemical f... View Full Blog Content...
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