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Shipping Companies & Agents Description: Regardless of the industry, type of commodity or key markets, international shipping solutions helmed by hundreds of companies all over the world offer businesses the opportunity to grow by serving customers on all major trade lanes and inland services for a true end-to-end experience. And thanks to improved ease of movement and increased international routes, sending cargo has never been easier.Companies in the business of shipping large items have a plethora of options available, the most popular among them being air and sea freight. While the former is quicker and more time-sensitive, most companies prefer the latter for its economic viability.Air freight is best used when the cost of shipping is less than 15-20% of the value of the goods. Lighter shipments run the risk of being charged either by actual weight or dimensional weight, which might rack up extra fees. While air freight is faster, safer and more reliable than ocean freight, it is also markedly more expensive – a $195 ocean shipment can cost upwards of $1,000 by air. Airlines also have stricter regulations when it comes to shipping hazardous materials.On the other hand, ocean freight is great for the capacity and value that it offers. While it is usually much slower than air, and customs issues and port holdups can cause additional delays, Express LCL - an option increasingly available on more routes and by more forwarders, often guarantees a delivery date and is often not that much slower than air. Ocean freigh... View Full Blog Content...
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