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Safety Training Description: The Importance of SAFETY TRAINING Thousands of workplace deaths each year can be attributed to one main issue, a lack of proper safety training. Safety training isn’t just a good idea; OSHA regulations require that your personnel be trained. Often, it is argued that training is unnecessary because the employee in question had many years of experience with the given work. Years of experience will mean that they most likely know how to perform a task, but do they know how to perform it safely? Do they know what is required of them by federal law?So, What is Compliant SAFETY TRAINING ?To become compliant and to help keep your employees safe, your company should first develop a training matrix. Your administrative staff may still be required to have annual Hazard Communication training for instance, but will likely not need Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) courses.Additional Benefits of Proper SAFETY TRAINING Beyond compliance, safety training is just a good idea.Proper training helps workers understand their rights, gives an overview of specific hazards to which they may be exposed and helps them to be able to protect against those hazards. In many cases, though, it will not suffice for specific required training.Your employees should demonstrate and continue to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. For example, if your employees do not know how to don and adjust a harness properly, have no concept of fall clearance, are connecting to... View Full Blog Content...
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