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Pipeline Insulation Materials Description: Finding the Ideal Thickness for the Insulation of a PipelinePipelines are used to transport petroleum products and natural gas across long distances in cold environments. Because of this, petroleum mixtures may need to be preheated after being transported in pipelines before a refining process can begin. However, as the oil is pumped through the pipeline, heat is generated from the fluid itself as it flows. To keep costs down and the heat inside the pipe, the pipeline insulation can be optimized using models and simulation.The Importance of Insulation in PipelinesPipelines are an economic approach to transporting fluids like oil, natural gas, and water across land and sea, though they are expensive to build. These structures are comprised of steel or plastic tubes that are typically buried or run at the bottom of the sea, with pump stations distributed throughout the system to keep the fluid moving.As a petroleum mixture is pumped through a pipeline, it generates heat as a result of internal friction forces. The origin of this heat is the energy supplied by the pump. This heat is quickly dissipated if the pipeline runs through cold environments. Eventually, the temperature of the mixture reaches the same temperature as that of the environment, if the pipeline is not insulated. At lower temperatures, oil becomes more viscous, which increases the energy consumption of the pumps. On top of that, cold petroleum mixtures require preheating before they can be used in the refinery. ... View Full Blog Content...
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