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Electric Cables Description: Important Things about Power Cables that You Didn’t Know Power Cables are the basic components of any electrical system. There are different types of cables that are available in the market. The choice of which specific cable types should be used for specific purposes is based on several factors, the most important of them being the technical specifications of the functions.As much as you may be conversant with electric cables, it is possible that there are things about power cables that are new to you. Here is a brief outline of some of the things about power cables:Copper is not always a better conductor than aluminiumMany people believe that copper is a far better conductor of electricity than aluminium at all times. This is inaccurate. When it comes to matters of what type of conductor is better between these two metals, there are many factors that need to be taken into account.The most important one of them is that conductivity in relation to cable wires is not merely a function of the measure of resistivity but rather a unique combination of the size of the cables and the insulation material that is used. Hence, in cases where super-high voltages have to be used over long distances, it becomes economical for one to use aluminium cables as opposed to copper ones. View Full Blog Content...
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