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      Company Profile  (34733 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 60494  Doha
      Website: ww*******************om     
      Location: Barwa Village, Al Wakrah
      GPS Location: Click Here
      Timings: 7.30-1.00/2.00-6.00
      Key Personnel: 
      Muhammad Siraj, Gen Mngr
      Jamshi K Mohamed, Sales Co-ord
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20579)

      ARROW - Cleaner Glue For PVC & CPVC (5759 Visits)
      PARABOND - Cleaner Glue For PVC & CPVC (8096 Visits)
      WELDON - Cleaner Glue For PVC & CPVC (5784 Visits)

      2. COPPER PIPES & FITTINGS   Blog     (12163)

      FLOW FLEX - Copper Pipes & Fittings (3840 Visits)
      PEGLER - Copper Pipes & Fittings (13057 Visits)
      WEDNESBURY - Copper Pipes & Fittings (4374 Visits)
      YORKSHIRE - Copper Pipes & Fittings (10776 Visits)

      3. DRAINAGE PRODUCTS   Blog     (9325)

      COSMOPLAST - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings, Floor Gully Traps, Elbows, Tees, Etc (7308 Visits)
      GEBERIT - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings, Floor Gully Traps, Elbows, Tees, Etc (8470 Visits)
      WAVIN - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings, Floor Gully Traps, Elbows, Tees, Etc (5873 Visits)

      4. FABRICATION SERVICES   Blog     (5546)

      WHITE POINT QATAR - PVC, CPVC, PPR, HDPE & Copper Fabricators For Grease Traps, Bell Mouths, Slow Down Chambers, Bends, Water Level Indicator Fabrication & Installation (1962 Visits)

      5. GASKETS & FLANGES   Blog     (14823)

      AGRU - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (4094 Visits)
      AVK - DI Flanges & Fittings, Fire Hydrant Adaptors & Couplings, Puddle Flanges (7454 Visits)
      BIS - MI & MS Flange Adaptors, Slipon, Welded, Mechanical Adaptors, Couplers (7009 Visits)
      GEORG FISCHER - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (7177 Visits)
      TECHNOPLAST - Stub Flanges, Fixed Flanges (2229 Visits)

      6. GAUGES    (5176)

      HUNTER - Pressure Gauges, Temperature Gauges (9632 Visits)
      WINTERS - Pressure Gauges, Temperature Gauges (6981 Visits)

      7. GRATINGS    (13040)

      AQUADRAIN - Floor Drain Covers, Balcony Outlets, Cleanouts (2242 Visits)
      ASAHI - SS 304 & 316 Floor Drain Covers, Balcony Outlets, Cleanouts (4134 Visits)

      8. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT    (7152)

      FITTCO - Garden Fittings For Irrigation (2748 Visits)
      HUNTER - Garden Fittings For Irrigation (9632 Visits)
      RAINBIRD - Garden Fittings For Irrigation (6236 Visits)

      9. MANHOLE COVERS & FRAMES   Blog     (21094)

      CRESCENT - Channels, Manhole Covers, Etc (2767 Visits)
      KISWOK - Channels, Manhole Covers, Etc (7705 Visits)

      10. PIPES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (15636)

      AGRU - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (4094 Visits)
      BAHRAIN PIPES - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (5397 Visits)
      CONEX - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (8293 Visits)
      FLOW FLEX - Copper Pipes & Fittings (3840 Visits)
      GEORG FISCHER - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (7177 Visits)
      HEPWORTH - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (8719 Visits)
      PEGLER - Copper Pipes & Fittings (13057 Visits)
      PPP - Water Hammer Arrestors (3692 Visits)
      TEGA - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (2441 Visits)
      TYLOS - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (3077 Visits)
      WATTS - Water Hammer Arrestors (12019 Visits)
      WEDNESBURY - Copper Pipes & Fittings (4374 Visits)
      YORKSHIRE - Copper Pipes & Fittings (10776 Visits)

      11. PLUMBING MATERIALS   Blog     (8930)

      AGRU - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (4094 Visits)
      BAILEY - Steel Test Plugs (4928 Visits)
      COSMOPLAST - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings (7308 Visits)
      GEBERIT - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings (8470 Visits)
      GEORG FISCHER - Stub Flange Adaptor With Rings, HDPE High Pressure Fittings (7177 Visits)
      HOROBIN - Steel Test Plugs (6273 Visits)
      PEGLER - Water Hammer Arrestors (13057 Visits)
      PPP - Water Hammer Arrestors (3692 Visits)
      WATTS - Water Hammer Arrestors (12019 Visits)
      WAVIN - HDPE Drainage Pipes & Fittings (5873 Visits)

      12. PPR PIPES & FITTINGS    (11156)

      WAVIN - Elbows, Male Adaptors,etc (5873 Visits)

      13. PRESSURE GAUGES   Blog     (16039)

      HUNTER - Pressure Gauges, Temperature Gauges (9632 Visits)
      WINTERS - Pressure Gauges, Temperature Gauges (6981 Visits)

      14. PVC PIPES & FITTINGS   Blog     (8669)

      BAHRAIN PIPES - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (5397 Visits)
      CONEX - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (8293 Visits)
      HEPWORTH - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (8719 Visits)
      TYLOS - PVC Pipes, Elbows, Etc (3077 Visits)

      15. SEALANTS    (26065)

      PARABOND - PVC Glue, CPVC Glue, Cleaners, Lubricants (8096 Visits)
      WELDON - PVC Glue, CPVC Glue, Cleaners, Lubricants (5784 Visits)

      16. VALVES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (23869)

      AVK - Valves, Air Release Valves (7454 Visits)
      PEGLER - Valves (13057 Visits)

      Total Brands: 59

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.
      Our Google Location:  Click Here to View in Large

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