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      Company Profile  (28715 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 201847  Doha
      Website: ww************om     
      Location: Bldg 144, St 2, Zone 81, New Indl Area
      GPS Location: Click Here
      Timings: 8.00am-5.00pm
      Key Personnel: 
      Bishoy Samy, Gen Mngr
      Debanjan Ghosh, Target Market Mngr
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20594)

      SIKA MAXTACK - Water Based, High Strength Grab Adhesives (1715 Visits)
      SIKABOND - Economical Water Resistant Bonding Agents For Mortar (1665 Visits)
      SIKAFORCE - 1 & 2 Component Polyurethane Based Sandwich Panels & Assembly Adhesives (1523 Visits)

      2. CONCRETE REPAIR PRODUCTS   Blog     (5154)

      SIKA LATEX - Water Impermeable Bonding Agents & Admixture For Mortar & Concrete (1701 Visits)
      SIKA MONOTOP - Cementitious Steel Reinforcement Primer & Bonding Bridge (2011 Visits)
      SIKAREP - Multipurpose Economical, Patching & Repair Mortar (1832 Visits)
      SIKATOP - Bonding Primer & Reinforcement Corrosion Protection For Demanding Applications (1616 Visits)


      SIKA ANCHORFIX - Universal Anchoring Adhesives, Two Part Styrenated Polyester Based (1898 Visits)
      SIKA BITUMEN - Solvent Free, Water Based Bitumen Primers (1741 Visits)
      SIKA BOOM - Expanding Fixing, Filling & Insulating Adapter Foam Based On Polyurethane (1885 Visits)
      SIKA IGASOL - High Build Rubberized Bituminous Emulsion Coatings (1493 Visits)
      SIKA INJECTION - 1 Component, Polyurethane Based, Slightly Flexible, Foaming Injection Resin For Permanent Watertight Sealing Of Cracks (1737 Visits)
      SIKA LATEX - Water Impermeable Bonding Agents & Admixture For Mortar & Concrete (1701 Visits)
      SIKA MAXTACK - Water Based, High Strength Grab Adhesives (1715 Visits)
      SIKA MONOTOP - Cementitious Steel Reinforcement Primer & Bonding Bridge (2011 Visits)
      SIKA MULTISEAL - Self Adhesive Bituminous Sealing Tapes (1562 Visits)
      SIKA SANISIL - Acetoxy Curing Silicone Sealants, Containing Fungicide, For Sanitary Applications (1697 Visits)
      SIKA SEAL - Multi Purpose Waterproofing Slurry (1556 Visits)
      SIKA SEAL TAPE - Elastic Sealing Tape For Wet Areas (1759 Visits)
      SIKA WATERSTOP - PVC Joint Waterstop (2276 Visits)
      SIKABIT - Waterproofing & Roofing Membrane Sheets (1457 Visits)
      SIKABOND - Economical Water Resistant Bonding Agents For Mortar (1665 Visits)
      SIKACERAM - High Performance, Cementitious Tile Adhesive For Thin Bed Applications (1525 Visits)
      SIKACRYL - Universal Acrylic Sealants For Interior Use (1739 Visits)
      SIKADUR - Low Viscosity Injection Resins (1654 Visits)
      SIKADUR COMBIFLEX - High Performance Joint & Crack Waterproofing Tape Systems (1515 Visits)
      SIKAFLEX - Elastic Joint Sealants & Multi-purpose Adhesives Based On Polyurethane (6752 Visits)
      SIKAFLOOR - Anti Static Floors, Car Park Traffic Coating Systems, Epoxy Decorative Floors, Polyurethane Floorings Comfort Floors, Hygienic Flooring Screeds (1895 Visits)
      SIKAFORCE - 1 & 2 Component Polyurethane Based Sandwich Panels & Assembly Adhesives (1523 Visits)
      SIKAGARD - Non Toxic, High Chemical Resistance Epoxy Coatings (1659 Visits)
      SIKAGROUT - General Performance Engineering Grouts (1904 Visits)
      SIKAHYFLEX - Silicone & Polyurethane Weather Sealants (1662 Visits)
      SIKALASTIC - Water Based Liquid Waterproofing Membranes (1553 Visits)
      SIKALITE - Waterproofing Admixture Powder For Mortars & Concrete (1614 Visits)
      SIKAREP - Multipurpose Economical, Patching & Repair Mortar (1832 Visits)
      SIKASIL - Neutral Curing, Silicone Sealants (2103 Visits)
      SIKASWELL - Acrylic Based, Swellable Joint Waterproofing Profile For Concrete Works (1638 Visits)
      SIKATOP - Bonding Primer & Reinforcement Corrosion Protection For Demanding Applications (1616 Visits)
      SIKATOP SEAL - Cementitious Slurry For Waterproofing & Concrete Protection (1534 Visits)


      SIKAFLOOR - Anti Static Floors, Car Park Traffic Coating Systems, Epoxy Decorative Floors, Polyurethane Floorings Comfort Floors, Hygienic Flooring Screeds (1895 Visits)

      5. GROUTING SYSTEMS   Blog     (8709)

      SIKA ANCHORFIX - Universal Anchoring Adhesives, Two Part Styrenated Polyester Based (1898 Visits)
      SIKACERAM - High Performance, Cementitious Tile Adhesive For Thin Bed Applications (1525 Visits)
      SIKAGROUT - General Performance Engineering Grouts (1904 Visits)

      6. SEALANTS    (26090)

      SIKA BOOM - Expanding Fixing, Filling & Insulating Adapter Foam Based On Polyurethane (1885 Visits)
      SIKA SANISIL - Acetoxy Curing Silicone Sealants, Containing Fungicide, For Sanitary Applications (1697 Visits)
      SIKACRYL - Universal Acrylic Sealants For Interior Use (1739 Visits)
      SIKAFLEX - Elastic Joint Sealants & Multi-purpose Adhesives Based On Polyurethane (6752 Visits)
      SIKAHYFLEX - Silicone & Polyurethane Weather Sealants (1662 Visits)
      SIKASIL - Neutral Curing, Silicone Sealants (2103 Visits)


      SIKA BITUMEN - Solvent Free, Water Based Bitumen Primers (1741 Visits)
      SIKA IGASOL - High Build Rubberized Bituminous Emulsion Coatings (1493 Visits)
      SIKA INJECTION - 1 Component, Polyurethane Based, Slightly Flexible, Foaming Injection Resin For Permanent Watertight Sealing Of Cracks (1737 Visits)
      SIKA MULTISEAL - Self Adhesive Bituminous Sealing Tapes (1562 Visits)
      SIKA SEAL - Multi Purpose Waterproofing Slurry (1556 Visits)
      SIKA SEAL TAPE - Elastic Sealing Tape For Wet Areas (1759 Visits)
      SIKA WATERSTOP - PVC Joint Waterstop (2276 Visits)
      SIKABIT - Waterproofing & Roofing Membrane Sheets (1457 Visits)
      SIKADUR - Low Viscosity Injection Resins (1654 Visits)
      SIKADUR COMBIFLEX - High Performance Joint & Crack Waterproofing Tape Systems (1515 Visits)
      SIKAGARD - Non Toxic, High Chemical Resistance Epoxy Coatings (1659 Visits)
      SIKALASTIC - Water Based Liquid Waterproofing Membranes (1553 Visits)
      SIKALITE - Waterproofing Admixture Powder For Mortars & Concrete (1614 Visits)
      SIKASWELL - Acrylic Based, Swellable Joint Waterproofing Profile For Concrete Works (1638 Visits)
      SIKATOP SEAL - Cementitious Slurry For Waterproofing & Concrete Protection (1534 Visits)

      Total Brands: 64

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.
      Our Google Location:  Click Here to View in Large

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