MECH N TECH TRADING WLL Trusted    Blog

      Company Profile  (11993 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 200199  Doha
      Location: Al Thumama
      Timings: 8.00am-8.00pm
      Key Personnel: 
      Shabier N, G M
      Sainul Abid, Mktg Mngr
      QR Code: QR Code
      Business Categories: 
      Total Business Categories: 38
      Product/Service Details:

      1. AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS   Blog     (13312)

      DAIKIN - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (13523 Visits)
      GREE - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (11934 Visits)
      KELON - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (936 Visits)
      MEDIA - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (2149 Visits)
      MITSUBISHI - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (13163 Visits)
      RHEEM - A/C Units, Split, Ducted Split, Casette, Floor Standing (6366 Visits)


      DANFOSS - Thermostats (24486 Visits)
      EMERSON - Thermostats (11960 Visits)
      HARTLAND - Thermostats (4322 Visits)
      HONEYWELL - Thermostats (35303 Visits)
      JOHNSON CONTROLS - Thermostats (7523 Visits)
      KELTRON - Thermostats (2262 Visits)
      LG - Thermostats (14369 Visits)
      SAMSUNG - Thermostats (12970 Visits)
      SCHNEIDER - Thermostats (20455 Visits)
      SIEMENS - Thermostats (26665 Visits)

      3. AIR CURTAINS    (12618)

      CARRIER - Air Curtains (17167 Visits)
      FREGO - Air Curtains (6359 Visits)
      MITSUBISHI - Air Curtains (13163 Visits)

      4. COMPRESSORS & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (11821)

      BRISTOL - Compressors (9622 Visits)
      COPELAND - Compressors (13428 Visits)
      KULTHORN - Compressors (3656 Visits)
      LG - Compressors (14369 Visits)
      MITSUBISHI - Compressors (13163 Visits)
      PANASONIC - Compressors (22795 Visits)
      SAMSUNG - Compressors (12970 Visits)
      TECUMSEH - Compressors (7762 Visits)

      5. COPPER PIPES & FITTINGS   Blog     (12186)

      MAKSAL - Copper Pipes & Fittings (4486 Visits)
      MIM - Copper Pipes & Fittings (924 Visits)
      MUELLER - Copper Pipes & Fittings (32535 Visits)

      6. ELECTRIC MOTORS   Blog     (11577)

      CARRIER - Electric Motors (17167 Visits)
      DAIKIN - Electric Motors (13523 Visits)
      ELCO - Electric Motors (4621 Visits)
      FASCO - Electric Motors (5626 Visits)
      HITACHI - Electric Motors (24069 Visits)
      KULTHORN - Electric Motors (3656 Visits)
      LG - Electric Motors (14369 Visits)
      MARATHON - Electric Motors (4362 Visits)
      MITSUBISHI - Electric Motors (13163 Visits)
      SAMSUNG - Electric Motors (12970 Visits)
      TOSHIBA - Electric Motors (18611 Visits)
      VICTOR - Electric Motors (13245 Visits)

      7. EXHAUST SYSTEMS    (2699)

      MITSUBISHI - Duct Inline / Axial / Mixed Flow / Centrifugal / Roof Mounted / Wall Mouinted Ventilation Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fans (13163 Visits)
      S&P - Duct Inline / Axial / Mixed Flow / Centrifugal / Roof Mounted / Wall Mouinted Ventilation Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fans (2317 Visits)

      8. FANS   Blog     (15563)

      CYLOCK - Axial Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Roof Mounted Fans, Duct In Line, Smoke Extract, Wall / Glass Mounted, Car Park Ventilation Fans, Basement Ventilation (578 Visits)
      MIM - Axial Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Roof Mounted Fans, Duct In Line, Smoke Extract, Wall / Glass Mounted, Car Park Ventilation Fans, Basement Ventilation (924 Visits)
      MITSUBISHI - Axial Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Roof Mounted Fans, Duct In Line, Smoke Extract, Wall / Glass Mounted, Car Park Ventilation Fans, Basement Ventilation (13163 Visits)
      S&P - Axial Fans, Centrifugal Fans, Roof Mounted Fans, Duct In Line, Smoke Extract, Wall / Glass Mounted, Car Park Ventilation Fans, Basement Ventilation (2317 Visits)

      9. HAND TOOLS   Blog     (7507)

      BOSCH - Hand Tools (21588 Visits)
      DEWALT - Hand Tools (20671 Visits)


      MIM - Portable / Industrial / Celling Mounted Type Dehumidifiers (924 Visits)

      11. INSULATION PRODUCTS   Blog     (12224)

      GULF - O - FLEX - Rubber Insulation (5161 Visits)
      SUPREME - Rubber Insulation (5427 Visits)


      BOSCH - Pressure Pumps (21588 Visits)
      KRANZLE - Pressure Pumps (5795 Visits)
      ROTHENBERGER - Vacuum Pumps (11873 Visits)

      13. REFRIGERANT GASES    (19725)

      DUPONT - Refrigerant Gases (7877 Visits)
      FLORON - Refrigerant Gases (3756 Visits)
      HONEYWELL - Refrigerant Gases (35303 Visits)
      REFRON - Refrigerant Gases (3259 Visits)

      14. VENTILATION EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES   Blog     (6325)

      MITSUBISHI - Duct Inline / Axial / Mixed Flow / Centrifugal / Roof Mounted / Wall Mouinted Ventilation Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fans (13163 Visits)
      S&P - Duct Inline / Axial / Mixed Flow / Centrifugal / Roof Mounted / Wall Mouinted Ventilation Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fans (2317 Visits)

      15. WATER COOLERS    (16907)

      BLUE STAR - Tank Water Chillers (8757 Visits)
      MIM - Tank Water Chillers (924 Visits)

      16. WATER DISPENSERS   Blog     (8800)

      MIM - 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Taps Stainless Steel Water Coolers (924 Visits)

      Total Brands: 65

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

        Reviews & Ratings

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      They are doing services in professional manner. very trusted
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