Company Profile  (33723 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 11218  Doha
      Location: St 12, Gate 85, Salwa Ind Area
      GPS Location: Click Here
      Timings: 8.00-1.00/3.00-6.00
      Key Personnel: 
      Mahmud Sh Mohd, G M
      Reji George, B D M
      QR Code: QR Code
      Business Categories: 
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20580)

      DECO - Masking Tape, Insulation Tape, Clear Tape, Duct Tape (2682 Visits)
      HEECO - Tapes (1587 Visits)
      MAGPOW - Glue (1520 Visits)
      SOUDAL - Authorised Dealers For Glue, Adhesives (3320 Visits)

      2. BUILDING MATERIALS   Blog     (10681)

      DECO - Sealants, HP Fittings, Valves, Pipes, Ladders, Pressure Vessels, Tapes, Adhesives, Cement Boards, Access Panels (2682 Visits)

      3. CEILINGS   Blog     (15184)

      DECO PROFILE - Manufacturers Of Ceiling Systems (2189 Visits)
      DECO TILE - Aluminium Ceiling Tiles (2836 Visits)

      4. CLAMPING SYSTEMS    (3161)

      NORM - Hanging Clamps (2913 Visits)

      5. CLAMPS   Blog     (8478)

      NORM - Hanging Clamps (2913 Visits)

      6. DRAINAGE PRODUCTS   Blog     (9325)

      ERA - UPVC Fittings (3637 Visits)


      QMC - Fiberglass Ladders (1972 Visits)

      8. GASKETS & FLANGES   Blog     (14823)

      MAGPOW - Gaskets (1520 Visits)

      9. GYPSUM & GYPSUM PRODUCTS    (9837)

      DECO - Gypsum Boards, Joint Compounds (2682 Visits)

      10. HOSES & FITTINGS   Blog     (16310)

      RR ITALIA - Yellow Hoses (1086 Visits)

      11. MEMBRANES  (5253)

      VAREM - Pressure Vessel Membranes (5232 Visits)

      12. PARTITIONS   Blog     (9093)

      DECO PARTITION - Demountable / Gypsum Board Partitions (2216 Visits)

      13. PIPES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (15636)

      DIZAYN - PPR Pipes & Fittings, HP Fittings, UPVC Fittings (3074 Visits)
      ERA - PPR Pipes & Fittings, HP Fittings, UPVC Fittings (3637 Visits)
      PLASTHERM - PPR Pipes & Fittings, HP Fittings, UPVC Fittings (1301 Visits)

      14. PPR PIPES & FITTINGS    (11157)

      DIZAYN - PPR Pipes & Fittings (3074 Visits)
      ERA - PPR Pipes & Fittings (3637 Visits)
      PLASTHERM - PPR Pipes & Fittings (1301 Visits)

      15. PRESSURE VESSELS    (16965)

      VAREM - Pressure Vessels Of 24 Ltrs, 50 Ltrs, 60 Ltrs, 100 Ltrs, 150 Ltrs, 200 Ltrs, 300 Ltrs & 500 Ltrs (5232 Visits)

      16. PU FOAM SUPPLIERS    (4899)

      DT MAG - PU Foam (1457 Visits)
      SOUDAL - PU Foam (3320 Visits)

      17. SEALANTS    (26066)

      DT MAG - Silicon Sealants, Acrylic Silicon, Neutral Silicon, Adhesive, Fixall, Carbond, Silirub, Contact Spray, Chemical Anchor, PU Foam (1457 Visits)
      SOUDAL - Silicon Sealants, Acrylic Silicon, Neutral Silicon, Adhesive, Fixall, Carbond, Silirub, Contact Spray, Chemical Anchor, PU Foam (3320 Visits)

      18. WATER FILTERS   Blog     (12577)

      ATLAS FILTRI - All Types Of Water Filters Such As Single, Double, Triple, Self Cleaning, Cartridges (4916 Visits)

      19. WATER PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT   Blog     (6345)

      ATLAS FILTRI - All Types Of Water Filters Such As Single, Double, Triple, Self Cleaning, Cartridges (4916 Visits)


      SOUDAL - Waterproofing Sealants (3320 Visits)

      Total Brands: 30

      Company Profile

      ABOUT US :-

                         Decotech Decoration and Building Materials is one of the pioneers in the field of building material suppliers in Qatar. Being a subsidiary of Qasar Al-Andalus Group, we have established ourselves in Qatar market with a wide range of high quality building materials and have been supplying to every nook and corner in Qatar ever since our inception. Presently we are supplying to more than 500 retail outlets in Qatar, the number is fast increasing day-by-day. 

                         We are the authorized distributor of Plasterm and SPK PPR pipes - Turkey, Soudal - Belgium which has a wide range of products, ERA pressure fittings, PPR and UPVC, QMC and ROYAL brand ladders, water purification products from Atlas Filtri -Italy, Hanging clamps from Norm - Turkey, Pressure Vessels from Varem - Italy, Garden hoses from RR Italy and Mimosa, Italy apart from a wide range of other products. Our parent company Qasar Al Andalus (QADCO) is one of most trusted manufacturers of a wide range of ceiling and gypsum related products.

      We have tie up with many world renowned manufactures from Italy, Turkey, Belgium, China, India etc. for a wide range of products. All the products which we deal are in accordance with international quality standards and there is no compromise on any quality issue. We believe Qatar deserves the best and therefore utmost care is being taken to ensure to provide high quality materials in Qatar market, thereby keeping our reputation as a trusted supplier high.

      We have a vast state of art stocking facility which can accommodate scores of containers. We also undertake direct supplies to various on-going projects. Our dedicated and well experienced sales and logistic team would be happy to be at your disposal at any time. 

      Our Google Location:  Click Here to View in Large

        Reviews & Ratings

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      Abu Jasim
      Good service with Best prices ..
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      Very good company with best price
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      Reji George
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