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      Company Profile  (31320 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 45159  Doha
      Website: ww**********om     
      Location: Wedaein Trading Centre, Nr Qatar Airways, Salwa Ind Area
      Timings: 8.00am-6.00pm
      Key Personnel: 
      Mohd A Kabbani, Mng Dir
      Houssam Shbaklo, Deputy G M
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20579)

      PLYMOUTH / BISHOP - Specialized Electric Tapes (1717 Visits)


      AOIP - Lan Testers, Cable Fault Locators (2616 Visits)
      FLUKE NETWORKS - Copper / Fibre Lan Testers (2596 Visits)

      3. BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS   Blog     (9074)

      ABB - Eib Building Automation Systems (37853 Visits)

      4. CABLES & CABLING SYSTEMS   Blog     (14779)

      3M - Heat Shrinks (44333 Visits)
      BELDEN - Communication / Control Cables (16770 Visits)
      CELLPACK - Lv / Mv Cable Terminations, Heat / Cold Shrink Kits (5372 Visits)
      CIRMAKER - Cable Lugs, Ferrules, Tools (1716 Visits)
      JEDDAH CABLES - Lv / Mv / Hv Cables (2096 Visits)
      NEXANS - Fibre Optic Cables, Structured Cabling (9459 Visits)
      PANDUIT - Stainless Steel Cable Ties (11579 Visits)
      PLYMOUTH / BISHOP - Specialized Electric Tapes (1717 Visits)
      TEKAB - Fire Resistant / Flame / Retardant / Telephone / Coaxial / Bms / Instrumentation / Control Cables (3161 Visits)


      BELDEN - Communication / Control Cables (16770 Visits)
      MITEL - Voip / Pabx Telephone Systems (2699 Visits)
      NEXANS - Fibre Optic Cables, Structured Cabling (9459 Visits)
      PANASONIC - Pabx Telephone Systems (22780 Visits)
      PANDUIT - Copper / Fibre End To End Solutions (11579 Visits)
      SME - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (1712 Visits)
      TOTEN - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (3180 Visits)

      6. DETECTION SYSTEMS    (7741)

      NAPCO - Intrusion Detection Systems (8268 Visits)

      7. DOORS - WINDOWS - GATES & SHUTTERS   Blog     (9559)

      APRIMATIC - Automatic Gates, Swinging Doors (2624 Visits)

      8. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (17375)

      3M - Heat Shrinks (44333 Visits)
      ABB - Lv / Mv Motors & Drives, Lv Switchgears, Mccbs, Contactors, & Wiring Accessories (37853 Visits)
      CELLPACK - Lv / Mv Cable Terminations, Heat / Cold Shrink Kits (5372 Visits)
      CIRMAKER - Cable Lugs, Ferrules, Tools (1716 Visits)
      HELITA - Lightning / Surge Protection (1716 Visits)
      LSIS - Switchgears (2995 Visits)
      PALAZZOLI - Industrial Plugs, Cable Glands, Junction Boxes, Isolators (2734 Visits)
      PANDUIT - Stainless Steel Cable Ties (11579 Visits)
      PHOENIX CONTACT - Relays, Industrial Automation, Terminal Blocks, Labelling Systems (14714 Visits)
      PLYMOUTH / BISHOP - Specialized Electric Tapes (1717 Visits)

      9. FANS   Blog     (15555)

      VIM - Commercial / Industrial Ventilation (2266 Visits)


      APRIMATIC - Barriers (2624 Visits)

      11. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS   Blog     (21374)

      NAPCO - Conventional / Addressable Systems (8268 Visits)
      TEKAB - Fire Resistant / Flame / Retardant / Telephone / Coaxial / Bms / Instrumentation / Control Cables (3161 Visits)


      AOIP - Lan Testers, Cable Fault Locators (2616 Visits)
      FLUKE NETWORKS - Copper / Fibre Lan Testers (2596 Visits)

      13. LOCKS   Blog     (11165)

      ALARM LOCK - Digital Locks (1974 Visits)

      14. NETWORKING SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS   Blog     (6986)

      AOIP - Lan Testers, Cable Fault Locators (2616 Visits)
      FLUKE NETWORKS - Copper / Fibre Lan Testers (2596 Visits)
      MITEL - Voip / Pabx Telephone Systems (2699 Visits)
      NEXANS - Fibre Optic Cables, Structured Cabling (9459 Visits)
      PANDUIT - Copper / Fibre End To End Solutions (11579 Visits)
      SME - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (1712 Visits)
      TOTEN - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (3180 Visits)


      ABB - Lv / Mv Motors & Drives, Lv Switchgears, Mccbs, Contactors, & Wiring Accessories (37853 Visits)
      CELLPACK - Lv / Mv Cable Terminations, Heat / Cold Shrink Kits (5372 Visits)
      LSIS - Switchgears (2995 Visits)

      16. SAFES & VAULTS    (14188)

      ARFE - Fire Proof Safes (2292 Visits)

      17. SECURITY SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT   Blog     (9847)

      COMELIT - Cctv, Intercoms, Access Controls (3663 Visits)
      CONTINENTAL INSTRUMENTS - Proximity / Magnetic Cards & Readers, Access Control Systems (2014 Visits)

      18. SWITCHGEARS   Blog     (8294)

      ABB - Lv / Mv Motors & Drives, Lv Switchgears, Mccbs, Contactors, & Wiring Accessories (37853 Visits)
      LSIS - Switchgears (2995 Visits)


      BELDEN - Communication / Control Cables (16770 Visits)
      MITEL - Voip / Pabx Telephone Systems (2699 Visits)
      NEXANS - Fibre Optic Cables, Structured Cabling (9459 Visits)
      PANASONIC - Pabx Telephone Systems (22780 Visits)
      PANDUIT - Copper / Fibre End To End Solutions (11579 Visits)
      SME - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (1712 Visits)
      TOTEN - Telecom Cabinets & Racks (3180 Visits)


      METASYS - Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (1576 Visits)

      Total Brands: 62

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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