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      BEXON TRADING     Blog

      Company Profile  (10329 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 37787  Doha
      Website: ww****************om     
      Location: Shops 1 & 3, Bldg 6, Barwa Village, Al Wakrah
      Key Personnel: 
      Ali Muqthar, Dir - Sales
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20594)

      3M -  (44359 Visits)
      ALTECO - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (3518 Visits)
      ARALDITE - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (6705 Visits)
      ARROW - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (5765 Visits)
      ASMACO - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (9800 Visits)
      BISON - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (7008 Visits)
      CLIPSAL - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (8628 Visits)
      FEVICOL - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (11067 Visits)
      LOCTITE -  (11273 Visits)
      PARABOND - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes, Fix With Glues, PVC Solvent Cement, Multi PU Foam Sealants, Ultra High-temperature Adhesive Transfer Tapes, Epoxy Adhesives (8109 Visits)

      2. COATINGS - PROTECTIVE   Blog     (8925)

      JOTUN - Coatings (14820 Visits)

      3. COPPER PIPES & FITTINGS   Blog     (12186)

      YORKSHIRE - Copper Tubes (10783 Visits)

      4. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (17389)

      HAGER - Electricals (16136 Visits)
      TENBY - Electricals (11517 Visits)

      5. HAND TOOLS   Blog     (7507)

      BAND - IT - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (9387 Visits)
      BRITOOL - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (3280 Visits)
      DECA - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (2886 Visits)
      DEWALT - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (20671 Visits)
      DRAPER - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (5067 Visits)
      ECLIPSE - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (4419 Visits)
      ELORA - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (4168 Visits)
      EVEREST - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (3424 Visits)
      EXPERT STANLEY - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (2748 Visits)
      IRWIN - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (6022 Visits)
      KAPRIOL - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (4106 Visits)
      RIDGID - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (14248 Visits)
      SNAP ON - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (4506 Visits)
      STANLEY - Wrenches, Gear Puller Sets, Screwdrivers, Impact Power Nut Driver Sets, Wood Chisel Sets, Knife Sets, Groove Joint Pliers, Digging Tools (15788 Visits)

      6. PAINTS & WOOD PRESERVATIVES   Blog     (7881)

      JOTUN - Paints (14820 Visits)

      7. PLUMBING MATERIALS   Blog     (8941)

      PEGLER - Plumbing Items (13067 Visits)


      GRUNDFOS - Pumps (15009 Visits)

      9. SAFETY EQUIPMENT & SAFETY WEAR   Blog     (16527)

      NORTH - Safety Products (3070 Visits)

      10. SCAFFOLDING PRODUCTS    (5816)

      EVERLAS - Extension Ladders, Little Giant Ladders, Step Ladders, Platform Step Ladders, Mobile Platform Ladders, Scaffoldings & Scaffolding Accessories (2857 Visits)
      ZAMIL - Extension Ladders, Little Giant Ladders, Step Ladders, Platform Step Ladders, Mobile Platform Ladders, Everlas Ladders, Scaffoldings & Scaffolding Accessories (6466 Visits)

      11. TOOLS   Blog     (11200)

      BOSCH -  (21588 Visits)

      12. WATER HEATERS   Blog     (17636)

      ARISTON - Water Heaters (12501 Visits)
      HOTEX - Water Heaters (4922 Visits)

      Total Brands: 37

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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