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      Company Profile  (36597 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 37934  Doha
      Website: ww**************om     
      Location: Office 25, 1st Flr, Bldg 200, St 995, Al Mamoura Plaza, Abu Hamour ( H O )
      G W C Warehouse Bi A-5 / 37, Logistic Park C, Al Wukhair ( Warehouse)
      70 Harcourt Gardens, Bath, Ba1 4dl, U K ( Overseas Office )
      Timings: 8.00am-6.00pm
      Key Personnel: 
      Manikantan A P, M D
      Abhinav Manikantan, Director
      Suresh Bhat, Mktg Mngr
      Rajendran Thottathil, Mngr - Strategy / Busi Dev
      QR Code: QR Code
      Business Categories: 
      Total Business Categories: 33
      Product/Service Details:

      1. CABLE TRAY PRODUCT SUPPLIERS   Blog     (12518)

      EBO SYSTEMS - FRP / GRP Cable Trays (816 Visits)

      2. CABLES & CABLING SYSTEMS   Blog     (14779)

      APPLE - Cable Glands, Cable Lugs, Cable Cleats (5264 Visits)
      BICC - Ex-proof Cable Glands, Industrial Cable Glands, LSF Industrial Cable Glands, Copper Terminals, Cable Lugs, Cable Cleats, Cable Connectors And Accessories (3204 Visits)
      LAPP - Instrumentation Cables (3978 Visits)
      LAPP CAMUNACAVI - Instrumentation Cables (948 Visits)
      PT SUMI INDO KABEL TBK - Fibre Optic Cables & Accessories (804 Visits)

      3. CANOPIES   Blog     (7205)

      INTERTEC - Protective Canopies And Sunshades - SD Series Shades, SD 18 Sunshades, Diashade™ Cubeshades (2030 Visits)


      RCSL - Corrosion Coupons (1116 Visits)

      5. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (17375)

      BICC - Ex-proof Cable Glands, Industrial Cable Glands, LSF Industrial Cable Glands, Copper Terminals, Cable Lugs, Cable Cleats, Cable Connectors And Accessories (3204 Visits)

      6. FASTENERS   Blog     (14099)

      INDUSTRIAL ENGG CORP - Fasteners, Stud Bolts, Hex Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Ubolts (1150 Visits)

      7. FIBER CABLE SUPPLIERS    (3509)

      PT SUMI INDO KABEL TBK - Fibre Optic Cables & Accessories (804 Visits)

      8. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT   Blog     (16030)

      FWIC - Fire Extinguishers / Hydrants / Hoses (594 Visits)
      WETPLUG - Fire Extinguishers / Hydrants / Hoses (534 Visits)

      9. GASKETS & FLANGES   Blog     (14823)

      GOODRICH GASKET PVT LTD - Ring Type Joint Gaskets, Spiral Wound Gaskets, Metal Jacketed Gaskets, Compression Packings, Soft Cut Gaskets, Non Metallic Flat Gaskets (735 Visits)
      OFFICINE SANTAFEDE - 1/2” Up To 60” All Classes, International Standards And Customer Drawing, Welding Neck Flanges, Slip On Flanges, Socket Welding Flanges, Blind / Threaded Flanges, Lap Joint Flanges, Orifice Flanges Weldoflanges, Long Welding Neck Flanges, Spectacle Blind Flanges, Spade Flanges, Spacer Flanges, Drip Ring Flanges (1271 Visits)


      CORTEM - Hazardous Area / Lighting Hazardous Area Distribution Boards (4625 Visits)


      ASTEC - Double Block And Bleed Valves, Monoflanges, Instrumentation Valves And Manifolds, Instrumentation Tubing And Tube Fittings (2481 Visits)

      12. OIL & GAS FIELD EQUIPMENT (9899)

      ASTEC - Double Block And Bleed Valves, Monoflanges, Instrumentation Valves And Manifolds, Instrumentation Tube And Tube Fittings (2481 Visits)
      ATG - Cut Resistant Gloves, Chemical Gloves, Thermal Resistant Gloves (3142 Visits)
      CAMUNA CAVI - Instrumentation Cables (3684 Visits)
      CONACO - Y-strainers, Bucket Strainers (986 Visits)
      EIPSA - Orifice Plates, Flow Elements, RO Plates (1379 Visits)
      INDUSTRIAL ENGG CORP - Fasteners, Stud Bolts, Hex Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Ubolts (1150 Visits)
      JC - Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Motor Operated Valves, ESD Valves, Ball Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves (3464 Visits)
      LAPP - Instrumentation Cables (3978 Visits)
      RCSL - Corrosion Coupons (1116 Visits)


      KIRLOSKAR EBARA PUMPS LTD - Centrifugal Pumps, Process Pumps As Per 610 Standard, Boiler Feed Pumps, Sea Water Intake Pumps, HPRT, Steam Turbines (865 Visits)

      14. ROAD SAFETY BARRIERS   Blog     (13443)

      DUNES INDUSTRIES - Crash Barriers, Hot Dip Galvanized Guard Rails, GI/PUC Coated Chainlink Fencing, Powder Coated Gabions (1129 Visits)

      15. SAFETY EQUIPMENT & SAFETY WEAR   Blog     (16500)

      ATG - Cut Resistant Gloves, Chemical Gloves, Thermal Resistant Gloves (3142 Visits)

      16. SAFETY RELIEF VALVES    (1425)

      NIRMAL - Safety Relief Valves (974 Visits)

      17. SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENT & SERVICES   Blog     (6370)

      SOLAPAK - Solar Power Systems (935 Visits)

      18. VALVES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (23869)

      ASTEC - Double Block And Bleed Valves, Monoflanges, Instrumentation Valves And Manifolds, Instrumentation Tube And Tube Fittings (2481 Visits)
      FWIC - Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Pressure Reducing Valves, Y - Strainer Flanges (594 Visits)
      JC - Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Motor Operated Valves, ESD Valves, Ball Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves (3464 Visits)
      NIRMAL - Safety Relief Valves (974 Visits)
      WETPLUG - Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Pressure Reducing Valves, Y - Strainer Flanges (534 Visits)

      Total Brands: 36

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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