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      Company Profile  (37929 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 3922  Doha
      Website: ww*******************om     
      Location: 2nd Flr, Qatar Charity Bldg, Umm Al Dome St 790, Zone 53, Nr Post Office, Maither
      Timings: 8.00am-5.00pm
      Key Personnel: 
      Sunil Philipose, Projs Mngr
      QR Code: QR Code
      Business Categories: 
      Total Business Categories: 40
      Product/Service Details:

      1. ADHESIVES - TAPES & GLUES    (20634)

      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (13880 Visits)


      SENSOR LINK - External High Voltage Measurement Equipment (2623 Visits)

      3. ANTI CORROSION COATINGS & SERVICES   Blog     (6588)

      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (13880 Visits)


      SIEMENS - Process Control Equipment, Plcs (26695 Visits)

      5. BLASTING EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS   Blog     (3738)

      FARROW SYSTEM - Wet Blasting Machines - A Patented Method For Removing Surface Coatings (2494 Visits)

      6. BUILDING CHEMICALS    (6269)

      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (13880 Visits)

      7. BUILDING MATERIALS   Blog     (10693)

      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (13880 Visits)
      SOLAR - Tiles (4403 Visits)

      8. CABLE SUPPORT & MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS   Blog     (16770)

      CORNING - Fiber Optic Products (5023 Visits)

      9. COATINGS - PROTECTIVE   Blog     (8936)

      DEKOTEC - Bitumen Polyurethane/ Butyil Rubber Products For Infrastructure & Pipeline (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Bitumen Polyurethane/ Butyil Rubber Products For Infrastructure & Pipeline (13880 Visits)

      10. CONCRETE REPAIR PRODUCTS   Blog     (5167)

      DEKOTEC - Elastomer Mortar Products, Crack Repair Compound, Cold Applied Asphalt (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Elastomer Mortar Products, Crack Repair Compound, Cold Applied Asphalt (13880 Visits)


      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes (13880 Visits)

      12. DOORS - WINDOWS - GATES & SHUTTERS   Blog     (9575)

      TECFIRE - Fire Rated Glazing Systems & Doors (3350 Visits)
      WMK - Fire Rated Glazing Systems For Doors, Windows, Partitions & Sliding Doors (1613 Visits)

      13. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (17403)

      SOLAR - Solar Lights & Fittings, Garden Lights (4403 Visits)

      14. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS   Blog     (21401)

      NO CLIMB - Smoke / Fire Alarm Testing Tools (1351 Visits)
      SOLO - Smoke / Fire Alarm Testing Tools (7031 Visits)

      15. FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS   Blog     (7001)

      NO CLIMB - Smoke / Fire Alarm Testing Tools (1351 Visits)
      SOLO - Smoke / Fire Alarm Testing Tools (7031 Visits)

      16. FIRE RATED DOORS    (16682)

      TECFIRE - Fire Rated Glazing Systems & Doors (3350 Visits)
      WMK - Fire Rated Glazing Systems & Doors (1613 Visits)


      SOLO - Smoke / Fire Alarm Testing Tools (7031 Visits)
      TECFIRE - Fire Rated Glazing Systems & Doors (3350 Visits)

      18. GROUTING SYSTEMS   Blog     (8723)

      DEKOTEC - Elastomer Mortar Products, Crack Repair Compound, Cold Applied Asphalt (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Elastomer Mortar Products, Crack Repair Compound, Cold Applied Asphalt (13880 Visits)

      19. LIGHTING EQUIPMENT & LIGHT FITTINGS   Blog     (12835)

      SOLAR - Solar Lights & Fittings, Garden Lights (4403 Visits)
      WIPRO - Indoor / Outdoor Lightings (3379 Visits)

      20. OIL & GAS FIELD EQUIPMENT (9983)

      TD WILLIAMSON - Hot Tapping / Pigging Equipment (4362 Visits)

      21. PIPES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (15664)

      DEKOTEC - Automatic Wrapping Machines, Pipe Wrapping Tapes / Primers, Putty, Shrink Sleeves (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Automatic Wrapping Machines, Pipe Wrapping Tapes / Primers, Putty, Shrink Sleeves (13880 Visits)
      RICHMOND - Automatic Wrapping Machines (1328 Visits)
      TD WILLIAMSON - Hot Tapping / Pigging Equipment (4362 Visits)

      22. PROCESS EQUIPMENT   Blog     (5307)

      SIEMENS - Process Control Equipment, Plcs (26695 Visits)


      DEKOTEC - Butyl Sealing Tapes (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Sealing Tapes (13880 Visits)

      24. ROAD SAFETY EQUIPMENT   Blog     (9777)

      SOLAR - Solar Warning Lights (4403 Visits)

      25. SEALANTS    (26108)

      DEKOTEC - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes / Tok Band Sk / Tok Strips (10753 Visits)
      DENSO - Butyl Rubber / Aluminium / Grease / Plastelen / Anti Corrosion / Bitumen / Petrolatum Tapes / Tok Band Sk / Tok Strips (13880 Visits)
      HS BUTYL - Roofing Sealants, Rope Seals (1382 Visits)


      DEKOTEC - Waterproofing Materials (10753 Visits)

      Total Brands: 47

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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