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      Company Profile  (22432 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 6016  Doha
      Location: Nr Aziz Petrol Station, Salwa Rd
      Timings: 8.00-12.00/4.00-9.00 : Sat - Wed
      8.00am-12.00noon : Thur
      Key Personnel: 
      Ihab Issa, Sales Exec
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:


      SAUDI CERAMIC - Bathroom Accessories (5721 Visits)

      2. BUILDING MATERIALS   Blog     (10681)

      AL FAHAD TILES & MOSAIC FACTORY - Mosaic, Terrrazo Tiles, Indoor, Home, Kitchen, Balcony, Garden, Swimming Pool, Passage, Wall, Roof, Road, Walking Street, Garden, Street, Industrial, Factory Tiles (1717 Visits)
      COBERT - Red Clay & Concrete Roof Tiles (1496 Visits)
      COMMTEC - Construction Materials (1550 Visits)
      EL KHAYYAT RED BRICKS - Red Clay Bricks (1472 Visits)
      GULF TILE - Cement Paving, Mosaic & Wall, Mono Layer, Flooring Tiles, Back Splashes, Countertops (1655 Visits)
      JUBAIL CONCRETE PRODUCTS - U, Decorative, Half, Hollow, Hordi, Insulated Thermo, JIS, Split Face, Open End, Flat End, Frogged, Thermal Insert Blocks, Bricks, Cables, Hydraulic Press, Paving & Roof Tiles, Grass Pavers, Interlocks, Kerbs, Ribbed O Blocks, Road Curves (1561 Visits)
      SACEP - Concrete Products, Precast Structures, Precast Walls & Fences, Precast Decorative, Hollow Core Slabs, GRC, Interlocking Pavers, Concrete Tiles, Terrazzo Tiles, Kerbstones, Shotcrete Tiles (2175 Visits)
      SAUDI CERAMIC - Ceramic, Porcelain Tiles, Red Bricks, Sanitaryware, Bathroom Accessories, Electric Water Heaters, Ceramic Road Markers (5721 Visits)
      TRANS GULF CEMENT PRODUCTS - Pavers, Cast Stones, Kerbstones, Blocks (1528 Visits)

      3. CEMENT SUPPLIERS (3135)

      TRANS GULF CEMENT PRODUCTS - Cement Products, Pavers, Cast Stones, Kerbstones, Blocks (1528 Visits)

      4. CERAMIC - RETAIL & WHOLESALE    (3541)

      SAUDI CERAMIC - Ceramics (5721 Visits)

      5. CONCRETE PRODUCTS   Blog     (4351)

      JUBAIL CONCRETE PRODUCTS - U, Decorative, Half, Hollow, Hordi, Insulated Thermo, JIS, Split Face, Open End, Flat End, Frogged, Thermal Insert Blocks, Bricks, Cables, Hydraulic Press, Paving & Roof Tiles, Grass Pavers, Interlocks, Kerbs, Ribbed O Blocks, Road Curves (1561 Visits)
      SACEP - Concrete Products, Precast Structures, Precast Walls & Fences, Precast Decorative, Hollow Core Slabs, GRC, Interlocking Pavers, Concrete Tiles, Terrazzo Tiles, Kerbstones, Shotcrete Tiles (2175 Visits)


      COMMTEC - Construction Materials (1550 Visits)

      7. ROOF TILE SUPPLIERS    (3084)

      COBERT - Red Clay & Concrete Roof Tiles (1496 Visits)
      COBERT - Red Clay & Concrete Roof Tiles (1496 Visits)


      SAUDI CERAMIC - Sanitaryware (5721 Visits)

      9. TILES   Blog     (10722)

      AL FAHAD TILES & MOSAIC FACTORY - Mosaic, Terrrazo Tiles, Indoor, Home, Kitchen, Balcony, Garden, Swimming Pool, Passage, Wall, Roof, Road, Walking Street, Garden, Street, Industrial, Factory, Tiles (1717 Visits)
      GULF TILE - Cement Paving, Mosaic & Wall, Mono Layer, Flooring Tiles, Back Splashes, Countertops (1655 Visits)

      10. WATER HEATERS   Blog     (17619)

      SAUDI CERAMIC - Electric Water Heaters (5721 Visits)

      Total Brands: 21

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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