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      Company Profile  (30795 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 31803  Doha
      Website: ww******************om     
      Location: Bldg 41, Othman Bin Affan St 180, Al Azizia
      Key Personnel: 
      Refaat Farouk, Busi Dev Mngr
      QR Code: QR Code
      Product/Service Details:

      1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS   Blog     (21389)

      BRK - Stand Alone Smoke / Heat Detectors (6137 Visits)
      FIRE GUARD - Addressable / Conventional Fire Alarm Systems, Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (7559 Visits)
      GST - Addressable / Conventional Fire Alarm Systems, Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (11845 Visits)
      HOCHIKI - Addressable / Conventional Fire Alarm Systems, Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (8647 Visits)
      SIMPLEX - Addressable / Conventional Fire Alarm Systems, Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (13932 Visits)
      SITERWELL - Stand Alone Smoke / Heat Detectors (2409 Visits)

      2. FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS   Blog     (6995)

      BRK - Stand Alone Smoke / Heat Detectors (6137 Visits)
      FIRE GUARD - Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (7559 Visits)
      GST - Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (11845 Visits)
      HOCHIKI - Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (8647 Visits)
      SIMPLEX - Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors (13932 Visits)
      SITERWELL - Stand Alone Smoke / Heat Detectors (2409 Visits)

      3. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS   Blog     (9595)

      BRISTOL - Dry / Water / Co2 / Foam Fire Extinguishers (9622 Visits)
      FIREX - Dry / Water / Co2 / Foam Fire Extinguishers (7530 Visits)

      4. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT   Blog     (16048)

      AGF 1000 - Test & Drain Valves (3484 Visits)
      ARMOR - Fire Cabinets, Hose Reels (2868 Visits)
      ASHCROFT - Pressure Guards (6142 Visits)
      BIS - Fittings & Flanges (7018 Visits)
      BRISTOL - Dry / Water / Co2 / Foam Fire Extinguishers, Flat Hose Complete With Nozzles (9622 Visits)
      CLA - VAL - Pressure Reducing Valves, Pressure Relief Valves (7079 Visits)
      CSJ - Fire Cabinets, Hose Reels (3981 Visits)
      ECONOSTO - Alarm Check Valves, Gate Valves (5390 Visits)
      FIRE GUARD - Fire Blankets, Fire Sprinklers, Test & Drain Valves (7559 Visits)
      FIREATER - Fm 200 Systems (2102 Visits)
      FIREPRO - Fire Protection Systems (3784 Visits)
      FIREX - Dry / Water / Co2 / Foam Fire Extinguishers, Fm 200 Systems, Fire Blankets (7530 Visits)
      GIACOMINI - Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves, Landing Valve Adapters, Quick Couplings, Pressure Relief Valves (3306 Visits)
      GLOBE - Fire Sprinklers, Alarm Check Valves, Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves (7876 Visits)
      ISST - Breeching Inlets & Cabinets, Fire Sprinklers, Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves (4142 Visits)
      ITAP - Pressure Reducing Valves (4686 Visits)
      KENNEDY - Fire Hydrants (5388 Visits)
      KOLLING - Fire Cabinets, Hose Reels, Breeching Inlets, Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves (3476 Visits)
      MEGAMAX - Flat Hose Complete With Nozzles (1791 Visits)
      NATIONAL - Fittings & Flanges (8128 Visits)
      NIBCO - Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves, Check Valves (9319 Visits)
      NOHA - Fire Cabinets, Hose Reels (2283 Visits)
      POTTER - Water Flow Switches, Supervisory Switches, Pressure Switches (6991 Visits)
      RELIABLE - Fire Sprinklers, Pressure Guards, Alarm Check Valves, Butterfly Valves (3950 Visits)
      SYSTEM SENSOR - Water Flow Switches, Supervisory Switches, Pressure Switches (5389 Visits)

      5. GASKETS & FLANGES   Blog     (14842)

      BIS - Fittings & Flanges (7018 Visits)
      NATIONAL - Fittings & Flanges (8128 Visits)

      6. LIGHTING EQUIPMENT & LIGHT FITTINGS   Blog     (12826)

      GARRINI - Exit Lights, Exit Signs, Emergency Lights (5580 Visits)
      ISST - Exit Lights, Exit Signs, Emergency Lights (4142 Visits)

      7. PIPE CUTTING TOOLS & EQUIPMENT   Blog     (4700)

      TUWEI - Grooving Machines, Threading Machines (2209 Visits)

      8. VALVES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (23899)

      AGF 1000 - Test & Drain Valves (3484 Visits)
      CLA - VAL - Pressure Reducing Valves, Pressure Relief Valves (7079 Visits)
      ECONOSTO - Alarm Check Valves, Gate Valves (5390 Visits)
      FIRE GUARD - Test & Drain Valves (7559 Visits)
      GIACOMINI - Landing Valve Adapters, Pressure Relief Valves, Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves (3306 Visits)
      GLOBE - Alarm Check Valves, Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves (7876 Visits)
      ISST - Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves (4142 Visits)
      ITAP - Pressure Reducing Valves (4686 Visits)
      KOLLING - Threaded / Flanged Landing Valves (3476 Visits)
      NIBCO - Gate Valves, Butter Valves, Check Valves (9319 Visits)
      RELIABLE - Alarm Check Valves, Butterfly Valves (3950 Visits)

      Total Brands: 55

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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