Company Profile  (36222 Visits)
      P.O.Box: 40918  Doha
      Location: St 29, Gate 1, Salwa Ind Area
      Timings: 7.00am-7.00pm : Sat - Thur
      Key Personnel: 
      Jesil Abdulla, G M
      QR Code: QR Code
      Business Categories: 
      Total Business Categories: 30
      Product/Service Details:

      1. BEARINGS    (14486)

      DKT - Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings (3118 Visits)
      NSK - Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings (8691 Visits)
      SDVV - Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings (10 Visits)
      SKF - Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings (13231 Visits)

      2. BELTS AUTO & INDUSTRIAL   Blog     (11674)

      BLACK BELT - Industrial Belts, Automotive Belts, V Belts (4285 Visits)

      3. BOLTS & NUTS   Blog     (13417)

      NORM - Grade 8.8 Bolts & Nuts, Grade 10.9 Bolts & Nuts (2917 Visits)

      4. CONVEYOR BELTS & ACCESSORIES    (10416)

      BLACK BELT - Industrial Belts, Automotive Belts, V Belts (4285 Visits)

      5. FILTERS - AIR / GAS / OIL   Blog     (7014)

      FIL - Filters For Heavy Equipment (1887 Visits)
      WIX - Filters For Heavy Equipment (4132 Visits)

      6. GASKETS & FLANGES   Blog     (14841)

      ATOSCO - Teflon Gaskets, Nylon Gaskets, Rubber Gaskets (3107 Visits)
      SUPERLITE - Teflon Gaskets, Nylon Gaskets, Rubber Gaskets (13 Visits)

      7. GEAR BOXES & COUPLINGS   Blog     (7013)

      BAUER - Couplings (5558 Visits)
      MILLER - Couplings (10165 Visits)
      VICTAULIC - Couplings (8858 Visits)
      WEATHERHEAD - Claw Couplings, Quick Couplings, Hose Tail Fire Couplings, Stroz Couplings, Camlock Couplings, Coupling Elements (2168 Visits)

      8. HOSES & FITTINGS   Blog     (16329)

      ATOSCO - Hydraulic Hose Assemblies, Stainless Steel Hose Assemblies, Stainless Steel Hoses, PVC Suction Hoses, Flat Hoses, Hose Menders, Galvanized King Nipples, Hose Tail Fire Couplings, Perforated Clamps, Double Bolts, Superior Clamps, Grease Nipples, Tube Clamps, Hydraulic Tube Assemblies, High Pressure Hydraulics, Hydraulic Adaptors, Roller Chains, Nozzles, Flowmeters, Pneumatic Adaptors, Thermoplastic Hoses, Flexible Hoses, Camlock Fittings, Ducting Hoses, Asbestos Sheets, Non Asbestos Sheets, Hose Clips, Circlips, Gasket Papers, Brass Fittings (3107 Visits)
      PARKER - Hydraulic Hoses, Steel Fittings (14900 Visits)
      SEL - Hydraulic Hose, Industrial Hoses (2616 Visits)
      SINOPULSE - Hydraulic Hose Assemblies, Stainless Steel Hose Assemblies, Stainless Steel Hoses, PVC Suction Hoses, Flat Hoses, Hose Menders, Galvanized King Nipples, Hose Tail Fire Couplings, Perforated Clamps, Double Bolts, Superior Clamps, Grease Nipples, Tube Clamps, Hydraulic Tube Assemblies, High Pressure Hydraulics, Hydraulic Adaptors, Roller Chains, Nozzles, Flowmeters, Pneumatic Adaptors, Thermoplastic Hoses, Flexible Hoses, Camlock Fittings, Ducting Hoses, Asbestos Sheets, Non Asbestos Sheets, Hose Clips, Circlips, Gasket Papers, Brass Fittings (12 Visits)

      9. HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT   Blog     (9199)

      HALLITE - Hydraulic Seals, Oil Seals, Mechanical Seals (3307 Visits)
      POLYPAC - Hydraulic Seals, Oil Seals, Mechanical Seals (2509 Visits)

      10. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS   Blog     (8909)

      ANDERTON - Circlips (2557 Visits)
      PIMSEAL - O-Ring Seals, O-Ring Cords (2444 Visits)

      11. OIL & GAS FIELD EQUIPMENT (9941)

      ANDERTON - Circlips (2557 Visits)
      PARKER - Pipe Adaptors (14900 Visits)
      PIMSEAL - O-Ring Seals, O-Ring Cords (2444 Visits)

      12. PIPES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (15657)

      PARKER - Pipe Adaptors (14900 Visits)

      13. PRESSURE GAUGES   Blog     (16068)

      BICS - Pressure Gauges, Pneumatic Adaptors (5 Visits)
      EMPEO - Pressure Gauges, Pneumatic Adaptors (1765 Visits)
      WIKA - Pressure Gauges, Pneumatic Adaptors (22890 Visits)

      14. SEALS   Blog     (10980)

      ANYSEAL - Seals (7 Visits)
      DICHTOMATIK - Seals (69 Visits)
      HALLITE - Hydraulic Seals, Oil Seals, Mechanical Seals (3307 Visits)
      PIMSEAL - O-Ring Seals, O-Ring Cords (2444 Visits)
      POLYPAC - Hydraulic Seals, Oil Seals, Mechanical Seals (2509 Visits)

      15. VALVES & ACCESSORIES   Blog     (23899)

      PEGLER - Ball Valves, Gate Valves, Check Valves, Relief Valves, Butterfly Valves (13065 Visits)

      Total Brands: 36

      Company Profile

      Profile to be provided by the company.

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