As Qatar's sweltering summer winds down for what promises to be a cozy desert winter, it might be time to break out your camping gear and head out for a night under the stars. If that sounds like an ideal weekend plan, make sure to stock up on the essentials today, starting with the most important piece of equipment - a tent!
A basic rule of thumb when buying a tent is to invest in quality. While a cheap tent might seem like a good buy at the moment, remember that the structure is your only protection from the elements, animals, and outside force. Stick with well-established brands like Mountain Safety Research, Kodiak Canvas, Coleman, Big Agnes, Kelty, REI, Hilleburg and North Face to ensure that you're well taken care of.
Choosing the right tent begins with understanding the nature of your camping trip. Everything from the location's terrain to the weather, temperature, number of fellow campers and your mode of transport should factor into your decision-making process. While some tents are small, portable and easy to set up, others are designed to provide shelter for multiple individuals. Some are ideal for festival goers but may not withstand the harsh weather elements like ones built for tough back country camping.
One of the main factors to consider is your location's weather and temperature. If you plan on camping in the winter, look for a tent that is specifically designed to withstand high winds, snow and sleet, and cold temperatures. They're likely to be more durable and hold heat in better. If you're planning on going camping in the summer, look for tents with a rain fly - a floorless, waterproof outer layer of a double-wall tent. If it rains, the rain fly will safeguard you and your equipment from water damage. If it doesn't, you're in luck rain flies allow you to sleep peacefully while gazing at the night sky, well-insulated from bug and mosquito bites thanks to its thickly meshed inner layer.
Also consider your location's terrain. If you're planning on camping on a hill or mountainside, buy a tent with a very sturdy bottom that can withstand cold temperatures and rocks, to withstand the extra wear and tear.
Next, consider the size of your party. If you're camping alone, opt for a single or two person tent for added space. If you're camping with the family in tow, check out larger models built specifically for 4-9 people.
Make sure to also consider the amount of baggage you plan on carrying along with you on your trip. If you're camping in a designate campground or arriving to your campsite with a vehicle, then any tent that you choose may work for you. If your trip involves backpacking or hiking, choose tents that aren't too heavy or cumbersome. The heavier a tent, the more it will weigh down a backpack.
Once you've hashed out the overall picture, its time to double down on the details.
Tent Poles: Tent poles hold up the tent fabric and create the structure of the tent so that it doesn't fall down or succumb to the wind. When looking at tent poles, you might want to keep in consideration where you are planning to camp and what types of weather you might camp in. Aluminum tent poles are much stronger than carbon composite or fiberglass poles. Durability is a major factor in tent poles if you might plan on camping in high wind areas. However, aluminum tent poles are often more expensive and are much heavier than other types of poles. This means that backpacking with aluminum tent poles might be difficult if you plan on traveling far. Though, if you are taking a shorter hiking trip, the aluminum poles compensate for the slight weight difference in their durability.
Tent Fabric: A critical feature when buying a tent is the fabric that the tent is made from. Tents can be made from many different types of material, and some are constructed from cheap nylon that rips easily and feels thin. This causes uncomfortableness, susceptibility to rain and moisture, and it can tear if anything pushes up against the tent poles and creates tension. Rip-stop nylon fabric is a better alternative to cheaper tent fabrics and will keep you safe, warm, and dry while you are camping. Rip-stop nylon is an excellent option for families with little ones that may not be so careful. This type of fabric can endure shoes in the tent, pushing on the tent poles, and even harsh rain and winds. When you look at tent fabrics, you should also look for a tent that features material reinforcement. This means that all stress points (that points that are pushed on the most, like the tent poles or the tent opening) are reinforced, and the material is at least four layers thick. When your tent material has multiple layers, it becomes stronger against tears.
Tent Rainflys: A super durable rainfly is essential to any decent tent. Most rainflys are removable, which means that you can take them right off of the tent and store them away while you look up at the stars. Roof-only styles won't have this option and will either just have a tent roof, or won't have an easily removable piece to take off to enjoy the outdoors. Additionally, removable rainflys allow some breathing room. Underneath the rainfly, there is usually a mesh vent that allows you to bring fresh air into the tent. Roof-only styles also are more susceptible to rain and moisture leaking inside the tent. In these styles, the rain drips down the side of the tent and at the base perimeter. Then, the corners and bottom of the tent can soak in the rain and will cause the bottom of the tent to flood. This is a terrible situation to be caught in.
Straps, Loops, Pockets & Other Accessories: A good tent is going to have straps everywhere for easy assembly and easy living. Some examples include hold back straps for windows and the door, loop straps for the tent poles, and guy lines. If there is any part of your tent that can be open or tied, it should have some hold-back or loop strap for reinforcement. This prevents accidents, like the tent poles coming undone and flying away or the tent fabric from separating from the tent poles and falling in on the tent in the middle of the night. Additionally, this feature will help campers if any rips or tears do occur while camping, such as a small tear in the tent door zipper. A strap should be installed in that section to reinforce the door, so there aren't any worries about the material flying open. Many good tents offer accessory pockets on the sides of the tent or at the very top. You can store things in these pockets so that they are easily accessible. This for lighter items like matches, a flashlight, your wallet, or a good book. Some tents even come with a pocket/strap option for your lantern so that it can be tied to the top of the tent. As long as you don't have a too heavy lantern, you could hang it up in the tent and won't need to worry about navigating in the dark.
Lastly, consider design. Tents come in a variety of shapes, built to withstand different conditions. These include ridge tents, pop up tents, inflatable tents, dome tents, tunnel tents, geodesic tents, vis-a-vis tents, pod tents, backpacking tents, tepee tents, bell tents, cabin tents, bivy tents, hammock tents, car top tents, pyramid tents, suspended tents, beach tents, frame tents, khyam tents, and cabin tents. For more information on the different styles and features, check out
this handy piece by the folks over at
Camps and Tents or call one of our local experts in Doha from the list below!