With over 1.3 million people dying on highways and in vehicles all over the world, the issue of road safety is a crucial one. Accidents and other road safety mishaps are a major cause of death among all age groups, and the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years. In Doha, the numbers are even more jarring. A 2018 report state that the total number of road accidents in Qatar during the year was about 8,694, up from 6,061 in the previous year, of which fatalities continue to hover around the 150 to 200 mark.
Luckily, ensuring proper road safety isn't a mammoth task. In fact, a number of simple changes is all it takes to make a difference between life and death. Here are a few ways, courtesy of the WHO, to help you play your part in keeping Qatar's roads safe:
Mind the pedestrians: More than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists, and riders of motorized 2- and 3-wheelers. They account for half of all road traffic deaths around the world. A higher proportion of vulnerable road users die in low-income countries than in high-income countries. Control your speed: As average speed increases, so too does the risk of having a road traffic crash and the severity of the consequences should a crash occur. For every 1% increase in mean speed, there is a 4% increase in risk of a fatal crash. A pedestrian hit by a car at 65km/h faces more than 4 times the risk of death than if the car were driving at 50km/h. Don't drink and drive: Drinking and driving increases the risk of a crash dramatically when the driver has a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of above 0.05 g/dl. WHO recommends a BAC limit of 0.05 g/dl for the general driving population, and & 0.02 g/dl for young and novice drivers. Only 45 countries have national drunk-driving laws that meet best practice. Whenever possible, wear a helmet: Wearing a good quality helmet can reduce the risk of death by 42% and severe injury by approximately 70%. Only 44 countries, representing 17% of the world's population, have motorcycle helmet laws that meet best practice: this means making sure the law applies to both drivers and passengers, all roads and engine types, requires the helmet to be fastened and to meet a specified standard. Always wear a seat belt: Wearing a seat-belt reduces the risk of injuries and deaths among front seat occupants by 45-50% and rear-seat car occupants by 25 to75%. 105 countries, representing 71% of the world's population, have seat-belt laws that cover both front and rear seat occupants, in line with best practice. Don't use your phone: Telephone use while driving (whether hand-held or hands-free) increases the risk of a crash by 4 times, while texting increases the risk by around 23 times. Driver reaction times are 50% slower while using a telephone than without. Always use a child seat: Placing children in child restraints reduces the risk of death by at least 60%, particularly for children aged less than 4 years. For children aged 8-12 years, booster seats can reduce the risk of injury by 19% compared to using a seatbelt alone. Best practice laws restrict children sitting in the front seat and require appropriate restraints for age/height/weight. Call for help ASAP: Lives can be saved with timely care at the scene, prompt transport to hospital for emergency and surgical care, and early access to rehabilitation services. Bystanders can help to save lives by activating the emergency care system and performing simple first-responder actions until professional help arrives.
Governments and local ministries also have a role to play in keeping the nation's roads safe, and can help out by implementing these measures:
Road barriers: These are light, wind-resistant barriers that are mounted on the dividers that separate roads. They are positioned to increase the visibility of the dividers. Road fences: Moveable fences that are used to protect construction workers on the road from passing vehicles. They also redirect vehicles and help make them aware of a space that is under construction. Safety barricades: Large, plastic barriers that are used to block any kind of uncontrollable passage in a dangerous area and are also used to block roadways and redirect vehicles and pedestrians to correct or safe routes. Safety barricades may also be a fence or a window depending on how they are utilized. The more popular plastic versions are often filled with sand or water for additional stability Safe roads: Roads should be designed for the safety of all road users. This means ensuring adequate facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Measures such as footpaths, cycling lanes, safe crossing points and traffic calming measures are critical to reducing the risk of injury among these road users. Proper quality checks on all vehicles: The safety of vehicles plays a critical role both in averting crashes and reducing the likelihood of serious injury in the event of a crash. The United Nations World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations recommends 7 vehicle safety standards including electronic stability control, front- and side-impact protection and pedestrian front protection. Only 40 mainly high-income countries have adopted all 7 or 8 regulations.
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Find below a list of the top products suppliers of
Road Safety Barriers in Doha, Qatar:
- Parking Barriers & Equipment, Security Bollards / Barriers - AL KUHAIMI METAL INDUSTRIES
- Road Blockers, Gate Barriers, Bollards, Dock Levellers - ANSHORE
- Pvc / Concrete Barriers, Traffic Cones - BRADY
- Aluminium Sign Base, Arc Flash Protection Labels - BREAKER
- Speed Breakers, Road Humps, Corner Guards - BYRNE
- Rental / Hire Of Road Safety Barriers - CYBERTEC
- Traffic Control Products, Barriers, Bollards, Road Blockers, Gate Barriers - DUNES INDUSTRIES
- Crash Barriers, Hot Dip Galvanized Guard Rails, Gi/puc Coated Chainlink Fencing, Powder Coated Gabions - ERREKA
- Road Barriers, Parking Barriers - FAC
- Traffic Control Products, Barriers, Bollards, Road Blockers, Gate Barriers
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