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PESTICIDES in Doha Qatar

Keeping your premises of unwanted rodents and critters is part of any proper building maintenance plan. Whether it's a business or residential space, regular pest control is key to maintaining a clean, safe, and hygienic environment. Qatar's humid temperatures pose an extra risk, as insects are drawn to air-conditioned interiors in search of a cool, dark place to nest. Your best bet in the battle of bugs is to enlist the help of one of Qatar's many expert pest control companies as soon as a pest is identified. In certain cases, especially in the event of termites, waiting can work to your detriment, as the majority of the damage may have already been done. Pest control companies in Qatar exterminate a variety of pests, including ants, fleas, rodents, cockroaches, bedbugs, birds, bees, wasps, termites, mosquitoes, flies, silverfish, earwigs, fleas and more. 

Larger areas like malls, buildings and offices may require regular monthly or bi-monthly pest control services. This is usually done by way of a yearly retainer or sevice package which specifies a number of services for a set fee. This is great for Offices, Hospitality, Healthcare, Food processing & handling, Pharmaceutical sectors, etc, where foot traffic is high or premises need to maintain a high level of sanitation. Along with inspecting, monitoring (with Cockroach Monitoring Traps – CMTs), spraying and installing, most companies also offer recommendations on sanitation and proofing your spaces against further attacks. 

Another pest control service that many companies offer is pre and post-construction termite extermination and fumigation. This is especially important in spaces with ample  wooden furniture and fixings. Pest control providers usually use the hemical-Barrier Treatment which can be carried out in buildings under construction (Pre-Construction Service) as well as existing buildings (post-construction service). In existing buildings, holes are drilled in regular intervals at infested areas like the wall-floor junctionand filled with potent yet low-dose and odorless termiticide. Holes are then capped using white cement, and your space is remained untouched.. In buildings under construction (pre-construction service), termiticide is usually sprayed at plinth level, as per international specifications. 

Treatments for other pests can include spraying, ULV misting, FUMIGATION , vacumming (in the case of bed bugs), GEL TREATMENT , baits, traps, and more. In special areas like warehouses, rigorous ongoing proofing may take place, to ensure that items like food, beverages and pharmaceutical products are well protected agains pests without affecting the quality of the products.

Looking for more preventative measures to keep your home pest-free after an extermination? Here are some useful tips that may help: 
    Block Their Entry to Your Home: Your first line of defense is to make it difficult for pests to even find an entry to your home. Check all your screens for holes, and repair if you find any. Check around your doors and windows for gaps, and replace window stripping when needed. Clean Your Kitchen: A pile of crumbs on your counter or floor is like a treasure chest to ants and other insects. Let them find treasure elsewhere - outside and far away from your home - by making sure you offer no treasure to be found in your own kitchen. Wipe your counters, sweep your floors, put food away immediately, and take out the trash regularly. Get Rid of Standing Water: Getting rid of standing water is the first step to control mosquitoes. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and a big, fat invitation for mosquitoes to start a family. It's easy to miss standing water sometimes, so regularly walk your property to check for it. Look in rain spouts, check for leaks near your air conditioning unit, and pick up toys left scattered throughout the yard. Maintain Your Yard: Keep your landscaping maintained to avoid overgrowth that is perfect for pests and their nests. Trim bushes and trees that are near the house, rake up debris, and yes - you're also going to have to weed. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies: Don't let fruits and veggies get overly ripe on your counter. If you do, the fruit flies will invite themselves in for a spell and eliminating fruit flies is a headache you don't want. Don't Throw Meat Outside Too Soon: Try not to throw meat scraps in your outside garbage unless the garbage will be picked up in the next 48 hours or so. The combination of rotting meat and summer sun could bring unwanted pests to your yard alarmingly fast. Inspect Swings and Outdoor Furniture: Regularly check the chains and corners of your swing sets and outdoor furniture for spider webs and egg sacks. Remove them when you see them. Don't Bring the Outside In: Keep outside toys outside and inside toys inside. If you have to bring in a toy, chair, or table, thoroughly wipe it down first. Keep ants away from your home with a concoction of borax and sugar. Mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup borax in a quart jar. Punch holes in the jar's lid, and sprinkle the mixture outdoors around the foundation of your home and around the baseboards inside your house. The ants are attracted by the sugar and poisoned by the borax. If you have cockroaches, sprinkle borax powder in the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Avoid sprinkling where children and pets could be affected. If there's a hornet, wasp, bee or other flying insect in your house and you have no insect spray, kill it with hair spray. If your home becomes infested with fleas, vacuum rugs thoroughly before spraying, and throw the dust bag out at once. Change the water in a birdbath every 3 days to help reduce the mosquito population. The presence of carpenter ants indicates another problem. Because they're fond of damp wood, you should check your pipes, roof and windowsills for water leaks. Centipedes prey on other bugs, so the presence of centipedes in your house may indicate the presence of other insects as well. You can distinguish termite damage from other insect damage by examining any holes you find in wood. Termites usually eat only the soft part of wood, leaving the annual rings intact. If you live in a multiunit building, any pest control measures you take individually will be ineffective in the long run simply because insects can travel form one apartment to another. To eliminate bugs completely, the entire building should be treated at one time. Dispose of garbage regularly in a sealed trash bin. Keep kitchens clean by wiping down counter tops and sweeping floors to remove crumbs and residue from spills. Also, store food in sealed containers, and keep ripe fruit in the refrigerator. Vacuum at least once a week. Keep pet bowls clean and wipe up any spilled food or water around them promptly. Store dry pet food in a sealed plastic container rather than the paper bags they often come in. Consult your vet about a preventative treatment for dogs and cats to help ward off fleas and ticks. Routinely check under sinks for areas of moisture and repair any leaky pipes. Consider using a dehumidifier in damp basements, crawl spaces or attics.

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PESTICIDES in Doha Qatar

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Chantelle D'Mello

Chantelle D'mello is an avid writer with over four years of hard news experience as part of the award-winning Doha News team. She's previously worked at Al Jazeera and the Huffington Post, and hopes to bring her passion for writing to the Qatar Oil and Gas Directory.

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